Once open you can move around your device and open or close other applications where you can use the calculator.
From the lower right corner you can resize the calculator to make it smaller or larger depending on your needs or simply zoom effect on your device.
💓 Main Features Of Floating Calculator 💓
👍 Runs in a windowed environment and floats above other applications
👍 Floating window can be moved around the screen
👍 Floating window can be re-sized.
👍 Font size can be changed.
👍 Calculator window can be minimized into the notification area.
👍 Small footprint.
👍 Copy input/output to clipboard.
👍 Close app directly from notification area.
👍 Calculator window can be made transparent.
👍 Simple and familiar interface of desktop calculator
👍 Memory functions (MS, MR, MC, M+, M-)
👍 Percentages
👍 Mathematical functions (square root, 1 over x, round down, p)
👍 History of calculations with up to 5 items, ability to hold and restore items
👍 Standard and Scientific mode. (Swipe left/right to switch views)
Backspace and clear functions are switched automatically. Hold down the backspace button to clear the display at any time
Close button "minimizes" calculator into the notification area, so you can launch it again from within another
application. Hold it down or use the menu Exit to close calculator without that notification
💓 Thank You 💓